learneng’s blog

はじめまして。英語の勉強法についてのブログを始めました。 私は日本で育った純日本人です。TOEIC965点、英検一級と工業英検一級を持っています。勉強法を自分の備忘録としてまとめます。他の人に役立つかわかりませんが、訪問いただけるとうれしいです。

【聴く】 Five Ways to Listen Better




distinguish A from


a whole range of

from A down to B

be unconscious of

in a way 

give you one example of~ 

be important in~ 

on a daily basis 


★be embedded in~ 




take refuge in~ 


become desensitized 





tumble dryer 



get conscious about

have fun with


not to mention~ 

at its heart









distinguish A from B  ABとを区別する

discount  ~を軽視する

a whole range of~  あらゆる種類の~

from A down to B  AからBに至るまで

be unconscious of ~に気づいていない

in a way  ある意味では、ある程度

give you one example of~ あなたに~の一例を示す

be important in~  ~において重要である

on a daily basis  日々

★reverberation  反響音

★be embedded in~  ~に組み込まれている

sonority  鳴り響くこと

★cacophony  耳障りな音、不協和音

auditorily 聴覚的に

take refuge in~  ~の中へ避難する、逃げ込む

soundscapes  音風景

become desensitized  鈍感になる

recalibrate ~を再検査・再調整する

mixer 音量調整係、混合器

★ripple さざ波

savoring 味わうこと

tumble dryer  回転式乾燥機

for size サイズが合うかどうか

★choir 聖歌隊、合唱団

★lever てこ、方策、手段

get conscious about ~を意識する

have fun with ~を楽しむ

★acronym  頭字語 例:NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

not to mention~  ~はいうまでもなく、~はさておき

at its heart 本来、本質的に








覚えましたか? では、復習しましょう!











【書く】 Lang-8の添削をきちんとものにする











😺   😺   😺   😺   😺


Siuts in Company


I have been working for a company for eight years.



Our company has a strange custom that employees whose positions are less than a section manager commute to the workplace wearing casual clothes such as jeans and T-shirts.

Our company has a strange custom that allows employees whose positions are less than a section manager, commute to the workplace wearing casual clothes, such as jeans and T-shirts.


In the casual clothes, I do not feel neat, and a bit embarrassed in the commuting train.

When I'm in casual clothes, I do not feel neat, and I'm a bit embarrassed on the commuting train.


Once a while, I tried to go to the workplace in suits.

Once in a while, I try to go to the workplace in a suit.


I was annoyed, however, when my colleagues asked me why I was wearing the suits.

I got annoyed, however, when my colleagues asked me why I was wearing a suit.


From those experiences, I quited wearing suits while commuting.

As a result of those experiences, I quit wearing suits while commuting.


On some occasions, we should wear suits in the workplace.



Such occasions are being taken photo of us for identification cards, and attending funerals of the family of our colleagues.

Such occasions include, when photos are taken for identification cards and attending funerals for the family of our colleagues.


Recently, I was embarrassed because I did not have suits in my locker when suits are required.

Recently, I was embarrassed because I did not have suits in my locker when suits were are required.


I was dejected, but I took this experience the opportunity for putting suits in my locker.

I was dejected, but I took this experience as an opportunity to put some suits in my locker.


Right away, I am going to buy the suits tomorrow.

I am going hurry and buy the suits tomorrow.

Right away is now, not tomorrow.


I heard that there are “semi-tailor suits”, which is not expensive and close to tailor-made suits.

I heard that there are “semi-tailored suits”, which are not expensive and similar to tailor-made suits.


The price is less than 150 dollars


Better: They cost less than 150 dollars.


I am now looking forward to that.

I am looking forward to that.


When suits are abruptly needed, I want to show up both efficiently and smartly!


Better: When a suit is needed right away, I want to be ready, acting efficiently and intelligently.


Good job!



😺   😺   😺   😺   😺







[WARNING: this blog contains harsh language]








イギリスでは、ほぼ100%、ぶつかりそうになったら謝ってもらえましたし、ドアを抑えていると"Thank you." や "Cheers" と言ってくれました。











冒頭の "harsh" は「とても厳しい、過酷な」を意味します。「"hard" のもっときついものが "harsh"」と覚えましょう!













in the hinterlands




animistic faith


have fun at~

march in cadence

get manhandled 

sit back 






in the hinterlands   奥地で

unforgiving     容赦のない

adobe       日干し煉瓦

dung         肥し、肥料

animistic faith     精霊信仰

cheesy      趣味の悪い、つまらない

have fun at~            ~を楽しむ

march in cadence    リズミカルに行進する

get manhandled    手荒な扱いを受ける

sit back          くつろぐ、傍観する




































Get Lost in China: Gansu












mangle  は「〜を台無しにする、〜に深い傷を負わせる(=maim, multilate)」を意味します。

「man が グル(gle) になって台無しにする」と覚えましょう!🕴🙀🕴





sumptuous  は「 高価な(=luextremely costly)」を意味します。

「高価な消費 sumptuous consumption  」と覚えましょう!

ちなに、pre が付いた presumptuous は「厚かましい」の意味になります。

【色々】 The Place I Store Documents

Good evening!😺


After viewing English videos such as documentaries and vlogs, I check the meaning of the expressions in those videos and I summarize them in word files. I store these documents both in the cloud and on my laptop.


Right now I use two cloud services ― Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive. I can use them at no charge. I get 15GB on Drive and 5GB on OneDrive for free. With these cloud services, I can access stored documents from anywhere. Also, these services would help you when you lose the documents on your laptop due to a malfunction.


Moreover, I would like to recommend to you the free software “Air Explorer”, which enables you to move documentseasily between the two clouds, as if you were using two folders on your laptop.


I hope this method helps you with improving your language ability!


Thank you for reading.😺


【単語】picturesque と graphic

graph から派生する

graphic にはわるい意味があり、「生々しい」を意味します。 


Warning : This video contains graphic and disturbing images.


一方、picture から派生する

picturesque  にはよい意味があり、「絵のように美しい」を意味します。😺🌷

【読む】 One method for learning English

Hello! 😺


I think just aimlessly learning English is not good. There are several standardized English tests in my country, but usually their content is boring. I am a bit greedy, so I want to improve myself even while learning English.


The method I frequently use is to find English articles that consist of 2-10 pages that relate to my work.


I am researcher in a company, so I want to find scientific articles. Specifically, the useful method to find articles is using the site Google Scholar, which helps me find scientific articles.


When I enter the keywords of the intended article, I also enter the phrases “filetype:pdf” and “review”. By doing this, I can get a review article related to my work in a PDF format.


I bring the documents into a coffee shop and try to read it at the speed of 1 page per 10 minutes. This method is enjoyable, so I would like to recommend this method to English learners.


Thank you for reading! 😺