learneng’s blog

はじめまして。英語の勉強法についてのブログを始めました。 私は日本で育った純日本人です。TOEIC965点、英検一級と工業英検一級を持っています。勉強法を自分の備忘録としてまとめます。他の人に役立つかわかりませんが、訪問いただけるとうれしいです。

【書く】 Lang-8の添削をきちんとものにする











😺   😺   😺   😺   😺


Siuts in Company


I have been working for a company for eight years.



Our company has a strange custom that employees whose positions are less than a section manager commute to the workplace wearing casual clothes such as jeans and T-shirts.

Our company has a strange custom that allows employees whose positions are less than a section manager, commute to the workplace wearing casual clothes, such as jeans and T-shirts.


In the casual clothes, I do not feel neat, and a bit embarrassed in the commuting train.

When I'm in casual clothes, I do not feel neat, and I'm a bit embarrassed on the commuting train.


Once a while, I tried to go to the workplace in suits.

Once in a while, I try to go to the workplace in a suit.


I was annoyed, however, when my colleagues asked me why I was wearing the suits.

I got annoyed, however, when my colleagues asked me why I was wearing a suit.


From those experiences, I quited wearing suits while commuting.

As a result of those experiences, I quit wearing suits while commuting.


On some occasions, we should wear suits in the workplace.



Such occasions are being taken photo of us for identification cards, and attending funerals of the family of our colleagues.

Such occasions include, when photos are taken for identification cards and attending funerals for the family of our colleagues.


Recently, I was embarrassed because I did not have suits in my locker when suits are required.

Recently, I was embarrassed because I did not have suits in my locker when suits were are required.


I was dejected, but I took this experience the opportunity for putting suits in my locker.

I was dejected, but I took this experience as an opportunity to put some suits in my locker.


Right away, I am going to buy the suits tomorrow.

I am going hurry and buy the suits tomorrow.

Right away is now, not tomorrow.


I heard that there are “semi-tailor suits”, which is not expensive and close to tailor-made suits.

I heard that there are “semi-tailored suits”, which are not expensive and similar to tailor-made suits.


The price is less than 150 dollars


Better: They cost less than 150 dollars.


I am now looking forward to that.

I am looking forward to that.


When suits are abruptly needed, I want to show up both efficiently and smartly!


Better: When a suit is needed right away, I want to be ready, acting efficiently and intelligently.


Good job!



😺   😺   😺   😺   😺


